Creatures of the Night

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This past weekend we headed back to York, PA for the Creatures of the Night show. Some events pretend to be something more than what they really are. Not this one.  It’s a laid-back show that features all sorts of cars, trucks, and bikes – just like Visual Reality CC, the creators of this event. The Art Institute of York makes a cool backdrop for the show and it’s parking lot is barely enough to hold all the cars that showed up this year.

The temperature was in the triple digits and it felt to us more like the infamous “Now I know why they call it” Texas Heat Wave. Dark clouds flirted with us for hours til it finally rained for a few minutes and cooled things down.

While we were walking around the show, we stumbled upon this SRT-4 Neon on Corvette wheels. Expect to see a feature in the near future.

It’s always nice to be able to come to a show that has a relaxed atmosphere. Special thanks goes out to the Visual Reality crew for their hospitality. Shout out to the BBQ stand in the corner – delightful!

Here’s the photos: