JunkStyles x LowLifeStyle.com and Counter Kultur present KnoeDown: a car show with the sole purpose of having a great time with friends! The event will take place at Knoebel’s Amusement Park. This is a family friendly event as the park will also be open to the public. |
There will be a show & shine car section with a few unique awards, food and a vendor area. |
Vehicle and booth registration packages will include lunch and ride tickets. We will be doing a catered lunch (cookout food) in a pavilion. Spectators may enjoy the event for free but are encouraged to buy lunch & ride tickets thru us if they would like to be served lunch with the rest of the show-goers in our pavilion. Otherwise,ride tickets and food are available for purchase inside the park during the event. Vehicle, booth, and spectator tickets can be purchased at: KnoeDown.com. |
The event is influenced by VAG enthusiasts but all breeds of vehicle are welcome and encouraged to come enjoy the day, spread the love, and have a good time with good people. |