TriStateTuners Annual Sonic Meet

posted in: automotive | 1

The past few years, we’ve heard about this big Sonic Drive-In meet in Morgantown, PA. We’ve never made it out before, but it was called to our attention that it was happening this weekend… and we decided that we should pop-in and check it out. Not only that, we were able to set-up shop thanks to Advert Graphix and Carlisle Events. We had crowds around the booth  before we were even fully operational and it stayed like that all day. We’ll be re-upping on gear and stickers way sooner than we had anticipated.

As for the meet, chances are they call it the Sonic Meet because it started out within the Sonic Drive-thru parking lot. But judging by yesterday’s event it is much more than that. There had to be well over 1,000 cars there spilling over into every parking lot in the entire plaza. We saw a lot of cool shit and met a lot of cool people. Best of all, the event proceeds go to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

pics or it didn’t happen:

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